Games I play and my names RS: [MOD]RAIDER,[MOD]RA1D3R,[MOD]PA7VTY_RA1D3R etc.
NFS Carbon: RAID3R77 (was willing to lead here, had Slak, and SM willing to help. There just was no clan activity.)
FTB1: 72A1D372
MoH 1: RAID3R77
Once I either decide to update or a new M33 comes out I be able to play these again.:
Wipeout Pulse: PA7VTY_RA1D3R
R.R.: PA7VTY_RA1D3R (in MOD here)
SFCO: PA7VTY_RA1D3R (in SnowPatrol SM clan. Not sure of the tag, he changed it lol)
Games I have accounts for but don't really play:
FTB2: RA1D3R77
MoH 2 : RAID3R77
Rainbow6 : XRAIDERX
MGSops: Can't member this one lol.
^ difference being the I instead of 1 on the EA games. lol
Well I think that's most of them. I like this Idea Bling. Perhaps all ppl on this site should do this. Then we can find each other in games and I could Plan GAMENIGHTS in other games this way.
We could do like a vote or something as to what games to play?
Maybe make a thread for this purpose bro? Let me know what ya think.