i really want to be in a good clan cause im usaly playing agains noob hacker and that whitch always kill me in that, so please can i join [MOD] ill put [mod]infront of your name im always active ill never leave so what do you say can you give me try out player info
aim :???
First name or Nickname (optional): joe wood
In-game Name: excel_pk
Rank: 12
Weapon you use most: Bowcaster / incinerator
Weapon(s) you want to develop: sniper,os
Favorite game type : hero capture flag and conquest
Map you have most success on: boz pity,korribin,mustafar,tatooine
Map you have least success on: Sullust,and space battles
What you like about star wars renegade squadron : the online play and thr fun of it
What you dislike about star wars renegade squadron: all those hacker
Why you would be a good MOD member: i am a very skilled player , i will never leave this clan, i am always active, i know places in the maps were its godo to kill people , im very nice and i will always rank high on the leaderboared